1. Only Credit Hero customers (including current and/or settled customers) are eligible to be the Introducer in this referral program.
2. Introducer should not enter into or sign any agreement with referee and should not charge, recover, demand or receive any fees, charges, reward or consideration from referee for or in relation to the application of the loan.
3. All of Credit Hero Limited's employees are not allowed to participate in the unlimited customer referral program.
4. The referrer and the referee cannot be the same person.
5. There is no limit on the number of referrals that can be referred by the Introducer.
6. The referrer must be an existing customer; the referee must be a new customer of the personal loan and successfully applied for the personal loan.
7. The Referee(s) must be brand-new customers who have not maintained any accounts with Credit Hero.
8. If more than one Introducer refers the same Referee(s), only the first Introducer according to the record of Credit Hero will be eligible for the referral reward.
9. If the referee's contact information is invalid or obtained by the referrer through improper means, the company reserves the right to refuse to provide rewards to the referrer.
10. Referees must provide the mobile number and full name of the referee, and can participate in the referral program after confirmation by the company.
11. The cash rewards that the referee can receive will be calculated based on the net loan amount that the referee successfully draws. For every HK$10,000 loan amount, you can get HK$100 (no upper limit).
12. The company will notify the referrer to receive the cash reward on the 31 day after the successful withdrawal of the loan. If the referrer fails to receive the cash reward within 1 month, he will be deemed to have waived the reward automatically.
13. If the referee repays the loan early within 3 months after drawing the loan, Credit has the right to request the referee to return the relevant reward.
14. The Introducer/Referee must have a good repayment record in order to enjoy the referral reward.
15. In case of repeated recommendation, the recommendation application received earlier by the company shall prevail.
16. The referral's offers in this plan cannot be enjoyed at the same time as the company's other offers or referral rewards.
17. The information collected will be kept confidential by Credit Hero and may be used by Credit Hero for such purposes as set out in the Policy Statement relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. For more details, please refer to Credit Hero's website.
18. The offer is subject to terms and conditions. The company reserves the right to terminate the relevant offers or modify its details and terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Please check with our company for details, Credit Hero Limited has the final decision on any disputes.
19. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions, the English version will prevail.